Great concept with mediocre execution. There are so many little things that add up to really be a nuisance.
-Why is the shooter dependent on the car's lane position? It would make more sense to include independent controls for the car and the shooter. No sense in shooting forward when the threat is beside you.
-The mouse tracking is pretty awful. It took me a while to figure out that you could somewhat control the speed of the vehicle. With the mouse way up in the air with the car down low, it just doesn't really make sense.
-The weapon system is boring. I get to use a dinky pistol 90% of the time, if not more. There's just something satisfying about letting a machine gun rip on full auto. That said, if weapons must be limited to pickups, then the classic keep-what-you-got or the more modern choose-when-to-use-it are much more preferable. The former is best used when there's a multiple life system, die and lose it.
-The perspective is really annoying. The size changes make little sense, the speed at which things approach is inconsistent.
-Small details like agents actually PUNCHING a car, and the road having so many cones, barricades and rocks add up to be more than just trivial.
-The game itself is challenging, yes, but SO unrewarding. It's dull, nothing special other than perhaps its relation to the madness series. It's so simple and mind numbingly repetitive that it doesn't even feel like it's WORTH trying to progress.
The worst part is having seen The-Swain's work in the past, being well-planned and filled with all sorts of details to work with. This just doesn't come close.